JA3LDH Profile

JA3LDH "Yasu" Profile

Name : Yasuyuki Takai
Born : In 1951 in Osaka city

My Personal History
1965 - I was first licensed at the age of14, guided by seniors of a Junior High SchoolRadio Club (JA3YDD)
which I belonged to at that time.
1967 - As a high school student, I devotedmyself to DX on 15 meter SSB with a 2 elementmonoband Quad (17mh),
that my parents had helped me afford.
I worked more than 200 countries. It is reallyshame that I lost almost
all of the logs and QSL cards from that time.Spending too much time in ham
radio made me fail in the entrance examinationto the University, and forced
me to spend another year studying in orderto pass the exam.

1971 - After entering Osaka University MedicalSchool, I became a member of the ham radioclub of this university.
Their callsign was JA3YKC which happenedto be a famous contest club station.
But I rather enjoyed the Rugby Football clubat the university.

1977 - Before and after graduation from theMedical School, I became too busy in clinicaltraining to enjoy DXing.
So I went QRT.

1984-87 After I received MD and PhD degrees,I went to the U.S. I was engaged in Immunologicalresearch as a visitor research person atthe Dana Farber
Cancer Institute of the Harvard Medical School,Boston MA. During that
time, I put up a long wire antenna in mybackyard and listened to short wave
broadcasting stations. That inspired me backinto the ham radio spirit again.

1988 - After returning to Japan, I read anarticle in the newspaper explaining thatmy former station callsign from 1988 couldbe reinstated. I reapplied for a license,and received the callsign JA3LDH, which hadexpired many years ago.

1989 - Built a tower in the yard and installeda 4 element Yagi (20m) and a 5 element dualbander(15m & 10m).
My DX life started again.

1995 - After becoming a DXCC Honor Roll member(Mixed and Phone), I changed to using lowband antennas.
My low band DX life started.

1996 - Passed a station inspection permitting1KW output.
1998 - Accomplished 5BDXCC.
1998 - Nominated for a TGC membership byJA3CZY and JA3CRO, and became a member.

Other radio clubs:
DXLF (DX Lovers Foundation) and MARS (MedicalAmateur Radio Society of Japan)

Family: Wife and two sons, neither are interestedin amateur radio
Occupation: A practitioner of Internal Medicineand Cardiology

Message: Since I am living in a city, I cannot have big antennas like other membersof TGC.
After defeated in pile-ups, I will quicklyQSY to other bands or modes to avoid theemotional stress.
That is the reason why I QRV on all bands(80m through 10m) and modes (SSB, CW, RTTY).
Hope to see you on the bands or in pile-ups,and share fun with you.

in Japanese